The purpose of the Foundation is to establish and maintain the Daintree Rainforest Fund. In compliance with subdivision 30-E of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, any money or property gifted for environmental purposes must be credited to this public Fund and no other money or property may be received into its account.
The Foundation’s Constitution includes objects, as they apply to Daintree Rainforest Land, which are to ensure that Australia’s obligations, as defined within the meaning of the World Heritage Convention, are met. Consolidating the ecological bond between the inhabitant people of the Land, as constituent parts of the natural environment, by supporting their knowledge and traditional practices and their vital roles in environmental management, ensures that the natural heritage of the Land has a cultural function in the life of this rainforest community.
Donations help us continue to push for greater conservation and protection of the remarkable World Heritage values on lands outside the publicly-funded estate. Donations are tax deductible.
If you prefer to make an electronic transfer into the Daintree Rainforest Fund account, bank details are BSB 084 878 Acc. 14211 4126. Please type your surname and the word donation in the reference field.
If you require a tax invoice please email secretary@daintreerainforestfoundation.org with your name, address and date of donation.