Daintree Rainforest Camera Traps – September 2021 – accrued 129-cassowary sightings, 18-dingoes and 60-feral pigs.  Against the cumulative monthly average, cassowary numbers rose by 75%, whilst dingoes were 54% down and feral-pigs also dropped by 48%.  Against September of the preceding year, cassowaries were up 115%, whereas dingoes fell by 18% and feral-pig sightings diminished by 47%.

Image highlights from Camera Traps – September 2021

Skewing cassowary numbers favourably, this years’ cassowary chicks seem to be surviving quite well (see below), which is probably due to diminished feral-pig and dingo numbers.

Apart from the single dingo pup featured below (which appears too young and defenceless to be out and about on its own), we are yet to see any other pups.  Last year, for the repeated sightings of an entire family, October revealed the single greatest increase in dingo numbers and hopefully next month’s tally should be similarly enriched.

September 2021 revealed only three piglets, which were surprisingly similar in their striped camouflage as juvenile cassowaries (see below):

Camera Traps – September 2021 surprised us with a young Red-legged Pademelon debut:

Daintree Rainforest Foundation Ltd and its Daintree Rainforest Fund have been registered by the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission and successfully entered onto the Register of Environmental Organisations.  Donations made to the public fund are eligible for a tax deduction under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.