With the exception of one of the 12 camera traps, which revealed a faulty data card, January 2020 captured 118 cassowaries, 166 feral pigs and 8 dingoes.

Comparing the month of December 2019, there were 92 more cassowary sightings, 28 more feral pigs and 18 fewer dingo sightings.

Of the 13 cassowary chicks that hatched out this latest breeding period, only 2 appear to have survived. Adult cassowary interactions indicate a resumption of breeding behaviour, which may account for the increased camera-count.

Daintree Rainforest Foundation Ltd., is resolved to do what ever it can to help strengthen the cassowary population, for their vital importance to oldest surviving rainforest in the world.  It is incredible that this keystone species, Federally declared with an Endangered Species status and inscribed within what has been formally ranked as the second-most irreplaceable World Heritage property currently included on the World Heritage-list, suffers from the pestilent proliferation of so many feral pigs.  As our potential to assist is limited by funding, we hereby invite donations under our Australian Charities and Not-for-profit registration.