Data collected from the twelve Daintree Rainforest Camera Traps over the month of December 2020 accrued 74-cassowaries, 107-dingoes and 110-feral pigs.  As aggregated percentages, cassowaries were 115% up for the month, dingoes were 256% up and feral-pigs accrued 90% of the monthly average.  All 12 Camera Traps functioned without fault across the month.

Camera Traps – December 2020 – image highlights for the month of December

Despite the intensity of cassowary courtship over preceding months, only one chick has emerged from the four males captured in these camera traps.  Only Scratch, the smallest and youngest of these males, successfully brought Cyril into our lives.

As the new year begins, cassowary aggression between competing females suggests a new breeding cycle has commenced.  Last year, Crinkle-Cut, perhaps the Cooper Valley’s most successful patriarch, hatched out two chicks, but only one, Leo, survived the first month.  The following succession of video grabs have been stitched together, depicting Leo’s development over the past six months: